Saturday, November 13, 2010

More Soccer Photos

This Fall was the fourth time I've done photos for the Dynamo Soccer Recreational League, and things went EXTREMELY well. I had the fewest scheduling problems this time, compared to the previous three times I did soccer league photos. In part this was due to having great weather both days of the photo weekend. There were only a few teams I missed, and we had a designated makeup weekend two weeks later to take care of those. Based on orders received, people seemed quite happen with the photos.

Then a funny thing started to happen. I was contacted by parents from a couple of the Travel League teams, asking if I could also do photos for them. This was the first time I've been asked to cover any of the travel teams. Of course, I was more than happy to oblige, getting the photos taken in short order. Because I was only photographing one team, there wasn't then same kind of pressure as I get with the rec league, when I sometimes getting 8 teams converging on me at once.

Hopefully I'll be doing more Travel League team photos in the future...

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